How Can Antonio Silva Help With Depression and Anxiety?
Contact Antonio Silva
Testimonials About Cancer Depression and Anxiety Healing
Your next sessions were not something I thought could be from Earth. When asked to close my eyes I said my name and was then taken back to moments of my life that would appear and then seemingly disappear with what followed to be a deep peace and feeling of being extremely light inside. I noted as an aftermath my ability to know my lines for the movie I was in with great ease and also not having to take meds to maintain a calmness and balance unlike before. I no longer take any meds, and I have both energy and peace not ever known. My doctors asked me if I am doing yoga or something new and I simply say I have found something beyond all that. I am ever grateful to you for healing me. I portray fictional people only created in the minds of writers but I assure you the story of your life will someday be told in a movie that I hope to be a part of. You are a real character and not fictional and yes a miracle worker my dear friend. My love and best wishes are always with you and I know we will again meet when you are in Santa Barbara.”
What Are Depression and Anxiety?
- Persistent Sad Mood
- Feelings of Hopelessness
- Loss of Interest
- Restlessness
- Appetite and/or Weight Changes
- Generalized Pain and Physical Discomfort
- Constant Restlessness
- Fatigue
- Sleeping Problems/Insomnia
- Severe Muscle Tension
- Panic Attacks
Though these conditions are emotional and psychological in nature, depression and anxiety can be as debilitating as physical illnesses and prevent individuals trying to cope with these conditions from experiencing life to the fullest. From feeling too panicked to leave the house to not having the motivation to even get out of bed in the morning, these disorders prevent you from living a normal life. Besides therapy, there is natural help for depression and ways to relieve anxiety that don’t involve putting your body at risk for the side effects that medication can cause. Antonio Silva is a medical intuitive that can help you with your symptoms of depression and anxiety.